
The Project in Bulgaria

The Project in Bulgaria

Children Alliance of Development and the Yana Laskova Preschool

The aim of the ACTION WEEK AGAINST RACISM is to encourage and enable young people to participate in building peaceful societies based on diversity and inclusion, in a spirit of respect, tolerance, and mutual understanding.


October 22,23,24,

Karnobat, Bulgaria


Exploring identity

The objective of this activity is to explore personal, family and community identities and to increase awareness about childrens’ origins and on the cultural diversity existing within the pre- school group  or pre- school, using the game as a main method.


International Days

Description: The objective of this activity is to draw attention to and encourage the observance of International Days relevant to the Campaign.



October 26, Karnobat, Bulgaria


Celebrating other Cultures

Organizing a children multicultural football game at the pre-scholl "Yana Laskova", Karnobat  to celebrate diversity in pre - school and in the community.



October 22-26, Yana Laskova pre-school, Karnobat

"ARTagainst Racism" Exhibition

 Setting up an exhibition in pre- school on one of the following themes: The struggle against racism Intercultural dialogue and the promotion of cultural diversity The exhibition will be combined with creative workshops and a performance. Possible exhibits: student artwork, literary excerpts, photos and symbolic objects.